15 Warning Body Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Our body is constantly communicating with us,sending different kinds of messages to uswith sensations and feelings. It’s up to us to interpret these signals and make a change if needed. There are some of them which are pretty obvious: you feel hungry, its time to eat, you are getting sleepy its time to sleep.

But what about the other symptoms those which aren’t so clear?

Here is a list that might help:

1. Stomach Pain

Everybody experiences mild or severe short or persistent stomach pains during our lives. The most common cause of this is transient gastritis, which can be caused by stress-induced acid exaggeration, viral or bacterial infection, spicy food, or high consumption of alcohol. In such cases, with a few days of diet the use of acid-reducing medicines, the complaints disappear quickly. However, there are some symptoms that cannot be prevented by “home therapy”. If the stomachache is accompanied by one of the following symptoms: swallowing pain, regular vomiting, bleeding, weight loss, and sleep disturbances, it is important to consult your general doctor, as further checks are needed to properly diagnose the disease.

2. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is a symptom that anyone can experience during their lifetime, does not necessarily mean something serious – let’s just think about hard physical work, the moments after you finish doing some sport, or the feeling when you get scared or shocked. However, there can be a host of illnesses this symptom points at, so it is important to clarify the circumstances and underlying causes. Shortness of breath may occur even at rest. Most often the complaint is caused by a lung or heart disease. If you often feel drowsy, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

3. Dry skin

Dry skin is very common, especially in the middle of winter, but it is not certain that the cold causes dryness. You may not be drinking enough water or using an unsuitable soap or shower gel. Drink at least 2 liters of non-soda fluids a day even in winter, it can be water, tea, sugar-free natural drinks and try organic skin care products instead of traditional ones. Hopefully, these will help. If not visit a dermatologist to find out what the problem is.

4. Night Sweats

We all know how hard it is to fall asleep at night in the summer heat, but the same problem applies when we try to sleep in the overheated room during winter. If you drink a lot of alcohol or eat a lot of chilies, you can expect to sweat more at night too. Many people have night sweats that caused by grief, anger or fear. Strangely, staying in too cold rooms also encourages increased sweating. So often the reasons behind night sweats are harmless and some changes in sleep conditions, habits help to eliminate the increased night sweats. However excessive, and very common, night sweats may indicate a more serious problem like hormone fluctuations or neurological diseases. If this happens, contact your doctor.

5. Difficulty Swallowing

There are many reasons why you may have difficulty swallowing. First of all, there may be some physical (anatomical) obstacle in the way of food. Second, there may be disorders in the functioning of the nerves of the brain, throat, esophagus (functional disorder). Their normal operation is necessary for proper alignment of the swallowing processes. Finally, abnormalities in the muscles of the throat and esophagus can also cause difficulty in swallowing.

6. Headaches

These are the most common causes of headache:

Weather change
Skipping meals
Water shortage in the body
Sleep deprivation
Too much sport
Wobbly posture
Gnashing of teeth

While you can easily find out if you are suffering from some of the above reasons, it may be best to seek professional help, and make sure there are no hormonal imbalances at play.

7. Dizzy Spells

It can be a sign of something very simple thing like tiredness or hunger. But it can be indicative of poor circulation, or iron deficiency or an ear infection. In a few cases, dizziness might signal a neurological disorder.

It is best to see a trained medical professional about it, especially if you drive a car or operate heavy machinery.

8. Numb or Tingling Hands and Feet

As long as it does not happen frequently that’s totally normal. But if it’s happening too often, immediately, talk to your doctor. You could have a real problem with your blood vessels or something wrong withyour nervesor brain.

9. Puffy face

Puffy face or edema occurs when your body is unable to get rid of the extra fluid for some reason, it collects between cells and causes swelling. What can cause it?

Nephrotic syndrome: when your body excretes too much protein into the urine.
Thyroid Problems

10. Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are caused by disturbances in the nutrient and oxygen supply of the muscle. The most common reasons of muscle cramps are doing some ports or a prolonged physical exertion. Moreover it can caused by the lack of magnesium and calcium or too much potassium in the body.

11. Dry Eyes

The risk of its occurrence is being increased by the use of air conditioning, smoking, frequent TV watching, and computer usage. In these cases, eye drops usually solve the problem. Be aware that dry eyes are also the symptom of lupus, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, andsome thyroid disorders.

12. Disrupted Sleep Patterns

The sleep disorder can be both a symptom and a disease that can be caused by a variety of causes: stress, mental exhaustion, excessive caffeine digestion, lack of sports, anxiety, but it can also be a sign of depression. Long-term sleep deprivation affects every field of your life negatively, so if you have been struggling with this problem for a long time, we recommend to visit your doctor.

13. Constant Thirst

Constant dry mouth syndrome can be caused by a side effect of medication but it could be the sign of some serious diseases such as Sjgren’s syndrome, hypothyroidism, AIDS, sarcoidosis, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, or diabetes.

14. Chest Pain

Chest pain is one of the most common causes of ambulance alerts. Fortunately, the complaint is not always a sign of a heart attack. Chest pain can be caused by a number of causes, but all of these – whether heart or non-heart disease – are worth a medical examination.
